Pole can take many different forms, it can be a physical activity that helps build strength, coordination and flexibility but can also be an extension of artistic expression, a safe space to let go and be free, to move your body in whatever way it desires.
This apparatus can be put to spin or static giving you countless ways to explore movement. Your instructor is there to break down all the movements in a tangible way that even the most novice of humans can come in and learn this fun new skill.
We are here to help build your diverse skills over time allowing you to progress at your own pace and desired focus
Pole 1.0
The Exciting Kickoff!
Learn the basic fundamentals of pole dancing. Spins, climbs, elbow stands, fan kicks, and more.
Gain muscles, confidence, and have fun.
This class is the perfect starting point for all the newbies out there.
Also a great class to come back to refine your basic pole skills
*Must pass off with Onyx Instructor to take higher level classes

Pole 2.0
Inversion Invasion!
Take your pole skills to the next level with our inverts class!
Pole 2 Flow - Work on exploring movements, creating shapes and unique transitions between moves
Pole 2 Inverts - Work on a strong base for your pole practice. This class focuses on the proper technique for inverting
*Must pass off with Onyx Instructor to take higher level classes
Pole 2.0
Intermediate Pole Flow - Learn a choreo without a specific song
Allow yourself to move in a way that feels good in the moment.
Move as you wish, this is a time to explore the nuances of movement and learn to move with purpose, connect to your body and find your own style.
Bring the following
Socks, knee pads, leggings, and normal pole wear.
The choreo can change which items are needed
*Must pass off with Onyx Instructor to take higher level classes

Pole 2.5
Advanced Inverts requires at least 10 classes of 2.0
Build strength and endurance throughout your entire body.
Explore different entrances, exits, and poses in all of your inversions.
Build a better understanding of your inversions, making your transition between levels a little easier
*Must pass off with Onyx Instructor to take higher level classes
Pole 3.0
Intermediate Insanity!
Feeling comfortable on the pole now?
Learn lots of new tricks and combine them into more challenging routines.
*Must pass off with Onyx Instructor to take higher level classes

Pole 4.0
Pro Power!
You've made it this far, now let's get serious!
In this class, we'll work on the incredible, jaw-dropping moves that you've seen the pros do.
*Must pass off with Onyx Instructor to take higher level classes
(Triple X)
OnyXXX teaches the fundamentals of sensual choreography and movement around the pole.
Heels are encouraged but not necessary.
You must feel comfortable in
OnyXXX 1.0 to take a higher level of OnyXXX -
Please talk to your Instructors
You must also be passed off to the same level in basic Pole classes

OnyXXX 1.0
Work on the fundamentals of heel work, floor work and base work choreography around the pole
OnyXXX 2.0
Work on more technical choreography and intermediate pole transitions
OnyXXX 3.0
Work on adding in inversions and more complicated and trickier choreography